Free Range Productions


Welcome to free range

We are an independent audio production company based in Warsaw, Poland.

free range productions team members

Free Range Productions was founded in 2020 by John Beauchamp, Jarosław Kociszewski and Bartosz Panek.

We met while working as journalists at public broadcaster Polskie Radio, and between us, we have accrued over five decades of broadcasting experience.


Free Range Productions makes podcasts and radio features, but we also provide training and consultancy services. Feel free to check our services section below to see how we can help you develop your project.

Audio Storytelling Production & Mastering

A love of listening to great stories is at the heart of what we do as Free Range Productions.

Podcast & V/O Facilities, Audio Streaming over IP

Our studio runs over a hybrid analogue/digital audio network which connects up to four separate recording and editing workstations.

Training & Education Consultancy

The Free Range team provides training sessions and workshops both online and on location.

Journalism & Fixing Copywriting Translation & Editing

The team at Free Range has experience in writing writing engaging copy for a wide array of publications across Poland and the region.

our clients

Since we started in early 2020, we’ve gone on to collaborate with a fast-growing number of public and private clients across Europe. Among our many clients, we have had the pleasure of working with:

Get in touch

jaroslaw kociszewski logo
Jarosław Kociszewski
Jarek can be contacted on

john beauchamp photo
John Beauchamp
John can be contacted on

bartosz panek photo
Bartosz Panek
Bartek can be contacted on